Thursday, 23 April 2009

We've been busy !

Welcome back for a long overdue update to Reads Retreat, our guide to growing your own veg in Raised Beds. Sorry it's been so long since the last update, but we have been very busy at the Allotment. There's still lots happening on the home front, not least getting young Ruby interested in growing veg: What could be simpler than dropping a couple of runner bean seeds in an empty jar onto a layer of damp kitchen roll, and watching the daily astonishment of the growth rate. Only this morning Ruby remarked"They're massive" . These can be planted out soon, and not long after Ruby can pick the pods from the plants. Cant wait to see her face when she tastes the first bean!

Ruby is a big fan of the garden, and every available moment is spent out there. As soon as she wakes up, she's asking "Can I go outside?" Jen reckons she'll wear out her wellies soon!
Here she is pointing out a Ladybird, with a massive smile on her face. This despite the fact that only 4 days ago she fell off the bed and fractured her collar bone. What a darling.
The weather has been consistently warm for a good few days now, and we have transferred our hardened off Dwarf Green Beans plants into the bed behind Ruby. Lets hope the fine weather continues long enough for them to take hold.
We're growing our own Tomatoes (v. Moneymaker) again this year, as you just cant beat the taste. Seems we might have planted more seeds than we actually need, but to me that's no problem. We can simply give away any that we don't need to friends and neighbours etc. We also have a slightly lower number of Yellow toms growing in a different tray, and I'm looking forward to wifey concocting lots more tasty chutney's for the store cupboard.

Talking of Chutney, we're gonna need a few other ingredients too, and among this tray of seedlings we have Chili's, Sweet Banana Peppers, Courgettes, Dill, Sage, Basil, to name but a few. Wifey has been really busy. Elsewhere we have Yellow Courgettes, Cucumber etc etc The list goes on. We tried an early batch of Sweetcorn (v.Swift Early) but due to the changeable weather they did not survive. Repeat sowings will soon be underway, to make up for any shortcomings.

I've started a tray of Onions too (v. Bedforshire Champion), but am not sure yet where they will be planted ! We have approx 150 onion sets up at the allotment, so maybe these can go in the Raised Beds at home ? We'll see.
There's loads more yet to update you on, so please pop back in the next few days to get our latest updates, or simply register for email updates. Either way, we look forward to welcoming you back very soon.

Till then, take care and enjoy your gardens.


Happy St. Georges Day

Wherever you are, it's great to be English.

Have a great day.