Saturday, 14 April 2007

It's all happening ! 15.04.07

Crikey - it's been a busy and productive week. Where shall I start ?

Bank Holiday monday / time off work, gave me ample time to get on in the garden. I started off by planting out my Sweet Peas (V. Ancient Old Mix) in the raised beds with the Runner beans and the climbing french beans. In most cases I planted one per cane, with a few extra's thrown in for good measure.

I also soaked my Pea seeds overnight (V. Kelvedon Wonder) and planted these straight into the raised beds. I simply cut cross-holes in the weed prevention fabric and planted straight through them. Its Saturday now and already there is a clear sign of growth to them all.

The spuds i planted 2 weeks ago ( see previous post) have now got their leaves showing through the black plastic holes, and are being well watered nightly to promote development of the tubers. The spare seed potatoes I had have found a new home in Cornwall, hope they perform well there too! I simply donated them to a fellow enthusiast!
The shallots i planted are seemingly ok, showing their early growth at quite a rate. I had intended to send the spare sets to Cornwall too, but they had spoiled in storage. Instead I threw in some free veg seeds which I had accumulated.

In the conservatory there's plenty going on too. The Chilli Peppers seeds i planted 14th Feb have finally germinated, and are ready now for potting on. Same goes for the toms, more than enough have germinated! Guess we'll be filling the freezer again soon !

Jobs for Sunday morning included planting out of Parsnips, Beetroot, Carrots, Chives, and Radish ( See planting records post) straight into the raised beds. No lie in for me ! I was in the garden 7.00am. Also gave the rain water butt a clean out ready for the April showers !

Finally, I have a large job ahead potting on all the various flower seedlings that i sowed earlier in the year.

The Rhubarb I planted out last week is growing at a staggering rate, which I can hardly believe! Its only been in there a week ! Any worrying niggles about it being planted too close to the fence have long since vanished!

Thats about it really. If anyone knows how I can add a slideshow to this blog, please get in touch. See you next week .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's looking fantastic!!! The spuds you sent me are in, the tom and courgette seeds are in peat pots on the bathroom windowledge, and although I'm a bit late in planting I'm hopeful they'll catch up!!!!
Keep up the great work!!!
Cornish Bird xxx