Well, we did moan about the lack of the wet stuff, and now its here I hear more moans that water butts are full and overflowing ! I guess that's one of the joys of gardening in the UK !
Weather aside, I've had what can only be described as a busy week, combining 4 x 12 hour shifts with a bit of gardening. And next week will be just the same!
As you can see, the weather has done the spuds no harm at all.
The foliage is thick and lush, and aside from the wind which has battered the plants about, they're looking great.
I have been checking the leaves daily for any sign of disease and will continue to do so over the next couple of months.
Anything that is untoward can easily be checked with reference websites that provide plenty of useful info and pictures. The Royal Horticultural Site is my favourite, and there's a link to it on my blog.
My maincrop have been in 2 weeks now, and the first set of leaf growth appeared just this morning. Watch out for some pictures next week!.
I planted out my toms yesterday - (v.
Moneymaker) into their final growing positions in the garden. There's a brick built trough for 3 of them, and 3 in the B&Q buckets I told you about last week. I need to get some sturdier canes soon as the ones I had are too thin / fragile to support the toms when they have grown on a bit.
These were sown as seed on 22nd March, so I am very pleased with their progress to date.
Making the whole veggie plot worthwhile, I harvested my first plate of Radish (v.
French Breakfast) on Wednesday, with further quantities picked yesterday.
Once they have been washed & top&tailed, they will easily store in the fridge for a week to ten days - if I dont eat them before that ! They taste so good, i cant wait to harvest the rest of the row and re-plant. The second row (v. Scarlet Globe) are not quite ready, tho' i must admit i tried a couple yesterday!
Runner beans are; true to form, running up the canes. Another good set of growth this week. I had to tie in the tops as the wind was playing havoc with them this week, but all in all they seem to be ok.
There's an abundance of red flowers all over them, so I'm looking forwards to the first crop!
The Peas (v.
Kelvedon Wonder) are coming on in leaps and bounds, and very soon will need some taller support sticks. Oh no, not another trip to the gardening centre !!
Broad Beans (v. Bunyard Exhibition ) are doing just superb, with some of the plants adding 4" of growth this week.
As some of the flowers begin to fall, there's a delightful sight of the first pods formimg.
Really cant wait to get these on the plate. Once harvesting starts, I will have to freeze some as I won't be able to eat them all too quickly!
As you can see, half the row of radishes have gone ! Some to my tum and the rest in the fridge. Just to the right of the shallotts, you can see the new emerging row of Carrots, and on the far right of the picture, the Parsnip tops are just visible.
The main problem now in this bed is the weeds, are there's loads of them. I must get cracking on these !
Elsewhere in the garden, we've turned our attention to the flowers! Mum ( Top - Up ) has been staying this week, and managed to fight back the flies and mozzies to weed a border for me, which is now planted with Gladioli bulbs. Thanks mum - come back soon!
Mum as always came bearing gifts, and we now have a plethora of pots on the patio with Marigolds coming to life. These will look great very soon, bringing the much needed colour along.
I've added another hanging basket to another fence post. Not only does this give an attractive backdrop to the veggie plot, but it also attracts the bees etc to the area, helping with all the required pollination.
Amongst the trailing plants purchased this week, i found a lovely Blood Red trailing Petunia, which I just had to get. It really is the most intense colour and is simply striking.
I had to brace another fence post too, as it had broken at the base. This fence is a project for the autumn - no time now!
Talking of "time", we finally managed a quick visit to Sally & Teds, less than half an hour away. Was really nice to see you both, having not seen you since last year ! And only 30 minutes away !!!! Nice too to see Sally's veggies coming along, and her addition of a greenhouse. Plenty of mini projects to keep her busy! After all, Ted has "his" projects ..... 4 bikes, pickup truck etc etc !
I'll leave you all with a view of the plot. I think you'll agree it's looking good.
Still plenty more to do, and then there's the imminent arrival of our darling baby, due in the less than six weeks!
Time eh ! Where does it all go !
Keep up with your plots - however large or small - and its all worth it in the end .
Please post your comments / questions at the base of the page. If I can help you I will.
Thanks for visiting.