Our regular visitors include a pair of Blue Tits ( nesting in a neighbours garden), a pair of Ring Necked Doves, Sparrow's, Starling's, Blackbird's, and the occassional Thrush. Not only are they a joy to watch, they can often be seen hopping through the veg patch in search of bugs - just what I need. We also get a steady stream of Bee's in the garden, something which we are keen to promote, as they are excellent pollinators. We are trying now to introduce more "colour" to try and increase the population, and we are also looking forward to the arrival of Ladybirds to do their work on the blackfly population!
They are a way behind my earlies, but that is exactly how I planned them to be. This way I will get a successional crop to my earlies.
Talking of which, they too are coming on in leaps and bounds. The first earlies (v. Rocket ) are now in bud and I hope to see some flowers within the week.
I'm still checking them for leaf damage daily but, touch wood ( my forehead!), it seems they're ok at the moment.
There are plenty of flowers set lower down and many more buds appearing. I water these daily, and feed with a tomorite type liquid feed once a week.
Also, if you look closely you will see that I had to attach cable ties to hold the canes together, as the birds had pecked through my binding string - I guess for nest building!.
Although I've regularly tied new growth in, some of it was covering the veg in a neighbouring bed, so I have trimmed back some of the growth, and tidied the plants up a bit.
Blackfly have returned, so I am washing the plants daily with a Fairy Liquid solution to keep them at bay!
I'll keep you posted on this.

Indoors, my seedlings for the Gardener's Delight are growing on well, and from today will be moved to a full light position in the conservatory.
They look brand new, with a lovely rosy hue. The preservative was only £5 for 5 Litres so well worth doing. Table next !!!
Just thought it looked lovely, so decided to share it with you all.
All crops are still looking healthy, and I'm slowly reaping the rewards.
There's is still a multitude of things to do, but doing a little on a regular basis seems to be having the desired effect.
Cant wait to dig up those veggies !
Take care folks, hope you enjoyed my update, and keep your comments coming in.
See you next week.