It seems Autumn is finally upon us, with a drop in temperature, and those evenings where it's dark by 8 o'clock.
Plenty to do in the garden, but struggling now to find the time. There are ; however, a few snippets to update you on:
These were planted just 3 weeks ago.
I've yet to plant the rest out - maybe I will do that today ?
I've got 2 beds available for further planting, one of which was home to the outdoor tomato crop (v. Moneymaker ) which have all but finished cropping.
Yet again it looks like there'll be plenty of green tomato chutney this Christmas.
I've many enquiries about supplying seed to other growers, which i am more than happy to do.
As soon as they have dried sufficiently, I will wrap and post them out.
Let me know if you want any - I'm only going to charge for the postage and packing ( I'm not a Charity ! ) , and will send seeds in multiples of 25. If you want a larger amount let me know.
I'm really pleased with this crop and will be planting a lot more next year.
Can anyone recommend a good variety ?
Probably birds or mice or combination of both took a liking to the fresh salad type leaves!
Thats about it for this week ! Hope you have enjoyed the little update. I look forward to seeing you again next Sunday.
Good to see the Christmas spuds growing well. Sorry about the beetroot. I was talking to a 90 yr old gardener who said that birds, particularly sparrows, are much more of a problem now than they used to be. For the last couple of years he has had to cover his seeds up, if he wanted to keep them.
Just wanted to say that I have tagged you for a funny, random and weird fact. Hope you don’t mind.
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