Thursday, 3 July 2008

Where has all the rain gone ? 3.07.08

Have you seen it in your neck of the woods ?
You know, the wet stuff.
The ground here at Reads Retreat is bone dry, and no amount of daily watering is doing any good.
Today we lifted a couple of onions and some Garlic.
All seem reasonably well grown, though a tad small.
"They" keep forecasting rain, but it seems to be missing us.
Lets hope we get some soon.
Take care all, more updates to follow in the very near future.



James (Digtoplant) said...

Hi. The rain is in Cumbria we suffered a drought till late June and now it's making up for it by raining nealy every day. Must say i enjoyed reading your blogs and hope Southend have a good season but come second to my team Carlisle United. If you are intrested i would put a link on my blog to yours see me at
I will be checking back again. james

Matron said...

The rain keeps missing us as well! I think we are in our own little microclimate in Hillingdon. Even a couple of miles away gets flooded and it misses us completely!