Just gonna run this bit to keep track of whats been planted and when. Then maybe next year I can get the dates a bit better !
Potatoes chitting are :
First Earles: Rocket PLANTED 1.04.07
Second Earlies : Nicola PLANTED 1.04.07
Maincrop : King Edward
Seeds in Order I think as follows:
1. Broad Beans- Bunyard Exhibition- in seed trays inside : 14.02.07
2. Chilli-Winter Warmer- in modules inside: 15.02.07
3. Leek- Musselburgh- in seed trays inside: 24.02.07
4. Chives-4 to a module inside: 24.02.07
5. Pumkin-in modules inside: 27.02.07
6. Broad beans transferred to raised beds outside : 01.03.07
7. Climbing French Beans-in seed trays-inside: 6.03.07
8. Peas- Kelvedon Wonder-in modules inside: 6.03.07
9. Sweet Pea- Ancient Mix - in propagator inside: 6.03.07
10. Cineraria Silver Dust - in seed tray inside : 6.03.07
11.Runners-Grandad's-in loo rolls inside : 7.03.07
12. Lavatera - in propagator inside : 7.03.07
13. Sweet Alyssum Oriental nights in propagator inside : 15.03.07
14. Forget me not - in propogator inside : 15.03.07
15. Antirhhinum Brighton Rock - in prpogator inside : 15.03.07
16. Garlic Fokyhama - in raised beds outside : 15.03.07
17. Carrot Early Nantes - in raised beds outside : 15.03.07
18. Tomato Money Maker in prpogator inside : 22.03.07
19. Parsnip Hollow Crown - in loo rolls inside : 22.03.07
20. Transferred leeks from seed tray into Raised bed outside, remainder in modules inside. The latter to go outside in 2 weeks time.
21. Potted out the runner beans into their raised bed: 1.04.07
22. Planted 2 small rows of Shallots in raised beds(V. Red Sun) 1.04.07
23. Planted out French climbing beans (V. Irene) into raised beds with the broad beans 1.04.07
24. Planted out First Early spuds (V. Rocket) and Second Earlies (V.Nicola) into their own raised beds, through holes in black plastic 1.04.07
25. Planted 2 small rows of peas(v. Kelvedon wonder) after soaking overnight. 11.04.07
26. Made seed sowings directly into the raised beds ( 15.04.07) as follows:
- Radish (v.Scarlet Globe)
- Radish (v. French Breakfast)
- Beetroot (v. Boltardy)
- Chives
- Carrot (v. Early Nantes) Second sowing.
I just followed the instructions on the packets. The only thing i did differently was to soak the drills before putting the seeds in, to assist with germination.
27. Planted out Parsnips (v. Hollow Crown) that were started indoors in toilet roll inners, directly into the raised beds. 15.04.07
28. Potted on the remaining Pumpkin plants into large containers in the conservatory. 3.05.07.
29. Potted on "Forget me not " plants into 3"Square pots, and placed outside. 4.05.07.
30. Potted on my single courgette into large pot outside. 4.05.07.
31. Potted on my Winter Warmer Chilli plants into individual 3" Square pots. 4.05.07.
This post will be added to as and when. Last update : 05.05.07
Watch this space !